Snow falling on Woodlawn Cemetery

October 14th, 2008 Posted in 2009 Calendar Photo Contest, Best contest photos

a quiet snowy evening at Woodlawn Cemetery by Doreen Argenti

IMG_0603.JPG (2 MB)

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This post was submitted by Karen Argenti.

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  1. 4 Responses to “Snow falling on Woodlawn Cemetery”

  2. By ***mricle*** on Oct 15, 2008

    This is one scarey photo. Who’d be brave enough to walk into a cemetary in the DEAD of DECEMBER? Shouldn’t December reflect the happiness of the Holiday Season? Don’t get me wrong, technically it’s a terrific, emotive photo.

  3. By ***mricle*** on Oct 17, 2008

    If not December, then maybe January or Feb? Please include some historical information, a list of famous buried here, or maybe a ghostly story? Doesn’t someone lead field trips thru this place?

  4. By Sue on Oct 18, 2008

    I love the composition of the photo and its black and whiteness.
    You feel you are peeping through the branches into the still, silent environment of the cemetery.

  5. By Jane on Oct 21, 2008

    Great photo. Let’s use it. February? December?

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